The Fire and Rescue Authority’s statutory core functions, as laid down in the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004, are to:
- promote fire safety in its area
- extinguish fires and protect life and property from fire
- deal with road traffic accidents and the rescue of trapped persons and
- deal with other types of emergencies as designated by order from the Secretary of State.
Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority (the Authority) has a statutory duty to provide the financial and other resources necessary to ensure an efficient and effective service. To this end, the Members set an annual budget after considering professional advice on the level of resources required.
In addition to overseeing the Service’s finances, the Authority considers any new policy initiatives; these are often required or suggested by national government but can be of a more local nature.
Members also have a legal duty to monitor the operational performance of the Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Services and consider best practice, and this is done through workstreams and committees, as well as the full Fire and Rescue Authority.