If your vehicle catches fire while you’re driving, you should:
- Stop immediately, parking as safely as you can.
- Switch off the engine.
- Release the bonnet catch but don’t open.
- Get everyone away from the vehicle and stay well away.
- Dial 999 and ask for the Fire and Rescue Service.
- Warn oncoming traffic.
Never use water on an engine fire, as it can short out the wiring and spread any burning fuel. If it is safe to do so, use a dry powder or foam fire extinguisher (BS EN3). If the fire is in the engine compartment, do not open the bonnet – instead, aim the extinguisher through the radiator grille or under the lid.
You can reduce the risk of a car fire by:
- Checking wiring for wear and damage
- Checking fuel lines for wear or unreliable connections
- Never using welding equipment near fuel tanks or feed lines
- Disposing of cigarettes and other smoking materials in a careful manner